Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Podcast Test - Euro Capitals Song

Testing a podcast here.

Monday, 13 September 2010

Puffin Poachlin'

This is my final budgie post but I thought I should complete the triumverate.

A recent Aussie expression that I have become familiar with is budgie smugglers, which is slang for Speedo type swimming trunks. I liked that.

Budgies aren't native to Scotland but puffins are. We should call them puffin' poachlers.

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Fingers in the Trill

The last post was a true story about a budgie associate of my Gran, accidentally creating history by being sooted and booted.

This was another story about budgies that got my attention on the radio, to spare you the details here is the headline from the BBC:

A leading budgerigar breeder has told how thieves stamped three of his birds to death and stole another 21 from an aviary at his house in Cornwall.

Turns out this happened just before the Cornwall Budgerigar Show.

When I heard this story on the radio I thought the reporter said the budgies had been stabbed instead of stamped. I had visions of some numpty taking the time and care to chib a wee budgie.

Then I was almost bowled over when the news story got in an expert to comment and it was Geoff Capes, a previous winner of the World's Strongest Man! Turns out old Geoff is quite partial to a budgie or two and is now the elected President of the Budgerigar Society of Great Britain.

Life is wonderfully left field at times, which I love, unless you're a budgie.

The pic above is from .

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

A) Truth B) Told

My Gran had a crony who lived in a terraced house, where 50 years ago the coal man would deliver the coal coming in the front door, take it through the house and put it in her cellar at the back. One day, the woman let her budgie out when the coal man came knocking, who was duly let in and allowed to get on with his delivery. After the coal man was finished, he was paid and went on his way. The poor budgie however, had snuffed it unknown to anyone, being flattened under the coal man's black sooty boot print. That was the first recorded casualty of a carbon footprint.